SG by Air

From China to Singapore by air
Air freight charge may recently change day by day. Kindly check the latest cost through freight cost calculator.

Volume weight applies on all air freight services.
Volume weight formula: Length(cm) x weight(cm) x height(cm) / 6000 = 1kg

All following price are in CNY(RMB)
Total weight 5kg and below 6-10kg 11-20kg 21-45kg 46-70kg 71-100kg 101-300kg 300kg+ Timing
Normal insensitive First 0.5kg: ¥35
+ ¥16 / 0.5kg
¥32 / kg ¥21 / kg ¥19 / kg ¥18 / kg ¥17 / kg ¥16 / kg ¥15 / kg 3-5 working days
Fast insensitive First 0.5kg: ¥38
+ ¥18 / 0.5kg
¥36 / kg ¥23 / kg ¥21 / kg ¥20 / kg ¥19 / kg ¥18 / kg ¥16 / kg 2-4 working days
Sensitive First 0.5kg: ¥45
+ ¥20 / 0.5kg
¥40 / kg ¥25 / kg ¥23 / kg ¥22 / kg ¥21 / kg ¥20 / kg ¥18 / kg 3-5 working days
Example: Insensitive normal speed air freight charge for cargo with 40kg weight and 42kg volume weight is 42kg x 19RMB/kg = 798 RMB.
If any item having size more than 150cm x 80cm x 80cm or weight more than 68kg, need to submit under sensitive cargo plus 250 RMB/order. Besides, 10cm pallet is required.

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